In this segment you will see the spectacular House of the Golden Cupids that is thought to have been owned by a relative of Nero's wife Poppaea. I especially enjoyed seeing rooms painted in the Third Style with larger panel murals. I found the water towers designed to reduce the water pressure from the aqueduct really interesting too. Then you get an opportunity to explore the Central Baths that were part of a renovation project and were not yet completed at the time of the eruption.
All of these images are screen captures from the Pompeii Walking Tour 2020 video courtesy of the POMPEII ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK and ProWalk Tours. Note: ProWalk Tours as producer of the original video footage has agreed to allow my derivative still images to be licensed with Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike.
I have used Topaz Sharpen AI to remove the slight motion blur in screen captures as well as Adobe Camera Raw to adjust clarity, texture, highlights, shadows, and occasionally haze and white balance. I increased dynamic contrast and added a subtle vignette with On1 Photo Raw Effects and removed distracting visitors and replaced empty skies with Photoshop and its Sky Replacement feature, changing the blend mode from Screen to Multiply to avoid excessive editing of the mask layer. Facebook loaded my images in reverse order and I am a bit too tired today to rearrange them all so you might want to start with the last image and view them back to the first. I'll share part 2 tomorrow.
You can explore the Pompeii Walk video yourself here - no special hardware is required:
 Structures across from the Castellum Aquae Pompeii Walk
 Public fountain along the Via Stabiana the main cardi (north-south road) Pompeii Walk
 Newly excavated House along the Via Stabiana Pompeii Walk
 More newly excavated remains of a house decorated in the Fourth Style along the Via Stabiana Pompeii Walk w sky rep
 View of the atrium and cubicals behind of the House of the Ara Maxima excavated in 1903 Pompeii Walk
Atrium with impluvium and view of the Tablinum of the House of the Golden Cupids excavated in 1903 Pompeii Walk w sky rep
 Peristyle of the House of the Golden Cupids excavated in 1903 Pompeii walk w sky rep
 Exedra decorated in the Third Style in the House of the Golden Cupids excavated in 1903 Pompeii Walk
 Peristyle of the House of the Golden Cupids excavated in 1903 (2) Pompeii walk
 Frescoed alcove in the Third Style in the House of the Golden Cupids Pompeii Walk
 Niche for a household god outside a cubiculum door at the House of the Golden Cupids Pompeii Walk
 Mosaic Floor in the House of the Golden Cupids Pompeii Walk
 Fourth style barrel-vaulted cubiculum in the House of the Golden Cupids Pompeii Walk

Elevated view of the peristyle in the House of the Golden Cupids Pompeii Walk
 Lararium in the House of the Golden Cupids Pompeii Walk
 Tablinum with mosaic inset in the House of the Golden Cupids Pompeii Walk
 Water tower used to reduce water pressure from the Castellum Aquae before distributing it to homes Pompeii Walk
 Thermopolium in Regio 5 Insula 1 Pompeii Walk
 Entrance to the House of Banker Cecilio Giocondo Pompeii Walk
 Another water tour and public fountain at a crossroads with the Vicolo di Mercurio Pompeii Walk
 Workshop of dryers and washers along the Via di Nola Pompeii Walk
 Workshop of dryers and washers along the Via di Nola (2) Pompeii Walk
 Palaestra (exercise area) of the Central Baths excavated in 1817 Pompeii Walk
 Human remains found in the apodyterium of the Central Baths excavated in 1817 Pompeii Walk
 Frigidarium in the Central Baths excavated in 1817 Pompeii Walk
 Tepidarium Central Baths excavated in 1817 Pompeii Walk
 Laconicum (Hot Dry Room) in the Central Baths excavated in 1817 Pompeii Walk
Caldarium in the Central Baths excavated in 1817 Pompeii Walk
 View of the Central Baths from the Caldarium Pompeii Walk
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