Part 1 of the 6th 30 minute segment of ProWalk Tours virtual Pompeii Walk. This segment includes the bakery of Popidio Prisco, one of the largest bakeries in Pompeii, excavated in the 1820s, only the entrance to the House of the Ancient Hunt (I think I read the restorations are now completed and the house is open but not at the time this walk was recorded), the House of Marcus Lucretius excavated in 1846, more fountains, thermopolia, bakeries and graphic directional signs, and the House of Sirico (Siricus). According to Pompeii Sites, The House of Vedius Siricus and Vedius Nummianus lies on the Vicolo dei Lupanare, a narrow winding street which joins the Via degli Augustali with the Via dell'Abbondanza. The house was initially excavated in 1851 and again in 1862 and 1872. The house is a double atrium house composed of two linked properties with separate entrances at door No. 47 on the Vicolo dei Lupanare and door No. 25 on the Via Stabiana. Both atriums and both peristyles have been restored and it contains some beautiful Fourth Style frescoes bordered in reds and oranges in a large exedra including a mural of Vulcan presenting Achilles' armor to Thetis and another of a drunken Hercules under a Cyprus tree. Here you will also find two of the first casts of human victims made in 1863.
All of these images are screen captures from the Pompeii Walking Tour 2020 video courtesy of the POMPEII ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK and ProWalk Tours. Note: ProWalk Tours as producer of the original video footage has agreed to allow my derivative still images to be licensed with Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike. I have used Topaz Sharpen AI to remove the slight motion blur in screen captures as well as Adobe Camera Raw to adjust clarity, texture, highlights, shadows, and occasionally haze and white balance. I increased dynamic contrast and added a subtle vignette with On1 Photo Raw Effects and removed distracting visitors and replaced empty skies with Photoshop and its Sky Replacement feature, changing the blend mode from Screen to Multiply to avoid excessive editing of the mask layer.
You can explore the Pompeii Walk video yourself here - no special hardware is required:
Excavated structures along the street with indentions from beams supporting an upper floor |
Bakery of Popidio Prisco one of the largest in Pompeii excavated in the 1820s |
Oven in the Bakery of Popidio Prisco excavated in the 1820s |
Public fountain with bull head relief in Regio VI |
Entrance to House of the Ancient Hunt Pompeii |
Inscription on curb stone saying From the First Day of July Pompeii |
Another public fountain on a street corner with remains of a tower to increase water pressure Pompeii |
House of Marcus Lucretius excavated in 1846 Pompeii |
Reception Rooms with mosaic pavements House of Marcus Lucretius excavated in 1846 Pompeii |
Remains of a lararium in the House of Marcus Lucretius excavated in 1846 Pompeii |
Public fountain in front of entrance 67 at the southeast corner of the Edificio di Eumachia Pompeii |
Phallic symbol directional sign Pompeii |
Atrium of the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Peristyle of the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Outer peristyle of the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Beautiful fresco of a drunken Hercules under a Cyprus tree in an exedra of the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Fresco of Vulcan presenting the armor of Achilles to Thetis in the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Oven in the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Milling and baking facilities in the House of Sirico Pompeii excavated in 1851 |
Remains of a lararium niche in the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Second atrium with marble tables and puteal with undecorated tablinum in the background in the House of Sirico excavated in 1851 Pompeii |
Vendor's counter with dolia (large storage jars) near the House of Sirico Pompeii |
Flour mills with small garden and lararium niche behind in Pompeii |
Oven with storage containers adjacent to flour mills Pompeii |
Bakery oven Pompeii |
Phallic good luck relief above a bakery oven Pompeii
One of the first body casts of a victim of the Vesuvian eruption made in 1863 displayed in the House of Sirico Pompeii |
Another of the first body casts of a victim of the Vesuvian eruption made in 1863 displayed in the House of Sirico Pompeii |
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